Sunday, January 22, 2012

God's Guiding Hand

As we have been making plans for a move to Uganda, and even planning a trip this summer, I have seen and felt God's guiding hand upon this.  I have felt an uncertainty about a June trip, and all the while another trip was trying to form for an entirely different thing in August.  God, in His providence, has shifted our trip to August.  This is providing a larger team, far greater opportunities for evangelism, and allows more time for our Faith 500 vision to form roots and grow.  So my prayer today is this:
"Thank you Heavenly Father that Your timing is NOT our timing, and that Your will is far, far better than  ours.  Thank you for Your guiding hand in our lives, not just in the small, ordinary, every day things, but in the big decisions and activities of life.  Thank You for guiding us in Your will, for showing us Your hand upon our lives.  Help us ALWAYS to be sensitive to that will, Lord.  Help us ALWAYS to seek all things to seek You.  Thank You for open doors of opportunity, and for closed doors of protection and redirection, which are also doors of opportunity.  Be with us, Lord, as we continue to seek You in the the Faith 500 vision, and as we continue to seek You in all areas of our lives.
We love You and praise Your name.

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